
Miquelle was born into the world of fashion leaving Providence Hospital wearing Christian Dior. Her love of fashion began at a very early age, from playing dress up in her mother’s closet to her first trip down the runway at age three. At age ten life dealt her a devastating blow; the incarceration of her mother, which left a great void in her life. Though her maternal grandmother and aunt took over parenting, Miquelle had lost her best friend. Through her many trials Miquelle found her appreciation for fashion was a constant and at age seventeen she applied for her first job at Saks Fifth Avenue.

While working at Saks, Miquelle caught the attention of the store manager for a luxury brand. He was impressed with her “polished image” and offered her a full-time position, thus her career in luxury goods began. To support herself Miquelle worked two jobs while attending high school. After her graduation she worked and saved her earnings and in the fall of 2003 Miquelle moved to New York!

Miquelle has interned with one of the best in the industry, Patricia Field, who taught her the business of styling. As her protégé, Miquelle has developed an exquisite eye for fashion and design, and working with Pat Field gave her many opportunities including styling on the set of Sex and the City. Her first original piece was worn by Kelly Ripa on the 2005 season finale of Hope and Faith.

Miquelle’s climb to the top has been steady, she has continued to work with both upcoming and well known celebrities as well as celebrity stylist such as Alexander Allen, and often collaborates with celebrity hair stylist Q Hardy.

Miquelle welcomes opportunities to style for clients, celebrities, magazines, videos, and movie productions. She hopes one day her story will inspire and empower other girls that are faced with similar challenges to never give up on their dreams. She truly believes the sky is the limit and with God all things are possible.

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